On Thursday, Jan 30, 2003, at 14:46 Europe/London, Joe Schaefer wrote:

Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

On 28 Jan 2003, Joe Schaefer wrote:

libapreq-1.1 is now available on CPAN,
and also through the Apache website at

Failed badly to install for me. First of all it won't install via the
CPAN shell as root because the test harness tries to deliver files
from what becomes a root-owned directory, and it won't do that.
The test suite was lifted directly from mod_perl.  Are you able to
able to test/install mod_perl using the same approach?
I don't know - I'd never install mod_perl from CPAN ;-)

But it's fairly easy to debug. su to root, extract the archive and try a make test. It's obvious why it fails. Easiest thing to do is skip those tests if you detect a root install, or if you can detect that the user running httpd can't access the directory and all directories above it.

Secondly it seems to segfault my apache, so it leaves zombies lying
around. Not sure if that's libapreq or something else though.
It would help to know your platform details.  We tried to eliminate
all segfaults related to perl-5.8.0, but in the process we may have
introduced new ones.
perl 5.00503 on RH 6.2 and mod_perl 1.26 IIRC. The segfault was during the file upload tests.


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