has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/HTML-Embperl-1.3.6.tar.gz
  size: 357623 bytes
   md5: b360a0f9ba5d5e35f6426c81dd91933d

This is a maintaince release which fixes some problems with Perl 5.8.0.

Note: No further developing of 1.3.x is done. All new features are added to
Embperl 2.0



Changes since 1.3.4:

1.3.6 (RELEASE)   22. Jan 2003

   - Fixed unicode problems in make test with Perl 5.8.0. With
     support from Robert.
   - Fixed warning about missing CLOSE method with Perl 5.8.0
     Reported by Rajesh Kumar Mallah.

1.3.5 (RELEASE)   23. Dec 2002

   - Runs now with Perl 5.8.0. Thanks to Angus Lees who
     backported the 5.8.0 patches from 2.0.
   - Fixed Path search problem. Reported by Gavin Carr.

Gerald Richter     ecos electronic communication services gmbh
IT-Securitylösungen * dynamische Webapplikationen * Consulting

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5          D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice:   +49 6133 939-122
WWW:      Fax:     +49 6133 939-333
|   Besuchen Sie uns auf der CeBIT vom 12. - 19. März 2003
|   Messe Hannover * Halle 11 * Stand D42/18

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