* Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On May 17, 2010, at 22:48 , Nathan Gibbs wrote:
>> Correct.  The new version which just went up has a -4 option to enable
>> the
>> check.  Otherwise it acts like the previous version and tries all the
>> TLD NS's.
> Of course, you now have the opposite issue:  what if the mon check is
> being run on that .us nameserver host that is IPv6-only?
If ( the -4 option is given ) {
        The monitor won't query any TLD NS that is IPv6 only.
        It will query all TLD NS's.
        # If the monitor is run on an IPv4 only host, this will throw an error
        # in the event of an IPv6 only NS.
        # Use the -4 option
So there shouldn't be an issue, unless I am misunderstanding the question.

Do you mean actually querying j.cctld.us with this?
If so, this won't work, because the monitor was designed to be fed domain
names in the form of domain.TLD[.], not hosts or sub domains.

./dns-gtld.monitor -l j.cctld.us.
Domain          Status  TLD NS
j.cctld.us      TLD Invalid

This is designed to compare the glue records on the TLD NS's with what the DNS
infrastructure at large is returning.

Here is an example similar to my setup of this.

hostgroup x-domains example.com example2.com example.net example.org 

watch x-domains
        service gtld
                interval 1h
                monitor dns-gtld.monitor
                depend x-gateways:ping
                period wd {Sun-Sat}
                alertafter 3 6h
                alert mail.alert someb...@example.com
                upalert mail.alert someb...@example.com

Hope that helps, if not let me know.



Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

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