Bob McKinven <> wrote:
> When running multiple rails apps on the same server it can become a
> pain identifying which 'unicorn_rails master’ process is running which
> app (can’t always tell from the user).
> My suggestion is for a --name option to allow each process to be named
> individually.
> E.g.  "unicorn_rails —name tiddles_unicorn -D” would show
> “tiddles_unicorn master” & “tiddles_unicorn worker[1]” when using PS

I suggest using -c to point to a location specific to the app:

        unicorn -c /path/to/tiddles/unicorn.conf.rb

Having too many options adds to confusion, and changing the executable
name part of the process title can also break tools like killall.

I also end up using something like this quite often (and even without
bundler, just using RubyGems only):

> I can be cc’d at

Done :>
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