> Henrik, we had the same problem after upgrading to Ruby 2.1.1. My
> coworker Tieg Zaharia tracked it down to this bug with
> BigDecimal#to_d:
> https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/9657
> He discusses a workaround (using BigDecimal coercion instead of #to_d).
> Worked for us.

Thank you! We'll look into that. We've definitely seen that error in CI.

I couldn't find any segfaults in our production logs by the way, but
I'm still not sure exactly where they would go. Have looked in our
production.log (at the default prod log level) and the unicorn.log.

(Sidenote: I think you have to CC everyone, not just reply to the
list, or it only goes to the web archives.)
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