I also knew Richard.  Funny I knew him in his professional world first.
He was at Warner Bros. for 25 years.    He was head of Theatrical
Research.  My first job in the industry was theatrical research at 20th
Century Fox.   Richard warmly welcomed me to the club and was generous in
sharing advice on how to navigate the tricky world of theatrical research.
   (No one likes to know their film they spent 10 years of their life
working on didn¹t test well with an audience.  Or why people decided not
to come see it. Etc..)

It was years afterward when I got much more into the Poster Collecting
hobby that our path¹s crossed again.   He will be deeply missed in our
poster world and in the entertainment industry.


On 3/14/16, 12:18 PM, "MoPo List on behalf of Toochis Morin"
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU on behalf of fly...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>Thanks for telling us about Richard's bio. How cool. Tragic loss. I pray
>for his family & friends.
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 14, 2016, at 2:40 AM, Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art
>><sa...@comic-art.com> wrote:
>> very sad to see Sue Heim's post about Richard
>> I am very happy to have been able to call Richard my friend and am very
>>sad to hear of his passing
>> Richard worked in the film industry, in the promotional area for
>>decades. I can't remember if it was Warners or MGM (I think Warners),
>>but he worked in advertising & poster design and no doubt worked on
>>quite a few campaigns, helping to design posters for which we all have a
>>soft spot
>> He started out in New York advertising agencies before moving to L.A.
>>and stayed in the industry until his retirement at which point he became
>>a docent for the museum & history offices of Warners (I think)
>> When I would go to L.A. for a convention, I would call Rich and we'd go
>>grab dinner one night after whatever show it was.
>> I liked Richard a lot. He was a wonderful person.
>> Like Sue, I will miss him, very much
>> Rich
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