Depending on how this all plays out there may be some solutions.   As Chief 
Digital Officer for PBS,  I am very aware of this issue.      I think we are a 
ways off from anything happening,  but it will be a much larger discussion in 
the digital world and have all sorts of implications for Universities,  Public 
Media  (NPR/PBS) and other sites.

Now for a plug.  In case you missed it.   You can watch FRONTLINE’S traditional 
deep dive into the candidates on THE CHOICE  Trump vs Biden.    Stream it on or on the free PBS APP.    😊      That’s my plug.
Or better,  become a member of your local station and you can stream ALL FILMS 
by KEN BURNS.   All of them.   I might even have a poster or two of them.  😊


From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Scott Burns 
Reply-To: Scott Burns <>
Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 3:33 PM
Subject: [MOPO] From MoPo List Owner

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of PBS. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Politics is normally off-limits here in MoPo-Land, but just a heads up on 
developments that could possibly affect our little discussion group in the 

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, passed in 1996, provides 
websites (and by extension, any online forum) with immunity from civil 
liability for the messages their users post. As has always been the case since 
MoPo began, the author of anything posted to the group is responsible for the 
content. MoPo is, by default, not moderated.  My understanding that Section 230 
protects American University (our listserv host) and ME (as managing list 
owner) from being held liable for what any individual posts to our group.

On May 28, 2020, president Trump signed an executive order (in retaliation to 
Twitter marking one of his Tweets as “potentially misleading”) with the goal to 
remove Section 230 protections, thus leaving hosts legally liable for all 
user-generated content. Today, the Justice Department has unveiled proposed 
legislation that would remake Section 230. (Link below for more information). 
Attorney General Bill Barr stated “For too long Section 230 has provided a 
shield for online platforms to operate with impunity,”  in unveiling the draft. 
The motivation of this legislation seems to be the unsubstantiated claim that 
social media censors conservative speech. (Make up your own mind on that.)  But 
the implication to ANY online forum if this change occurs, is chilling. We live 
in a world of unintended consequences and in my opinion, there will definitely 
be unintended consequences if Section 230 is remade.

With all the other chaos going on right now (COVID-19, racism, replacing RGB on 
the Supreme Court, and that little thing called the Presidential election), I 
can’t imagine Congress undertaking this issue any time soon. I just want 
everyone to be aware of what’s going on. Should this come to pass, it could 
spell the end of MoPo as neither American University nor I can take on the 
burden of liability for the posts on MoPo and the consequences of that free 

More details on the legislation:<>

MoPo has generally been a docile and friendly group. But there have been a few 
issues (and  a few thorny people) over the last 25 years that were not 
pleasant. I have only been threatened with legal action over posts one time. 
Fortunately, that situation was resolved without lawyers. But Section 230 would 
have protected me.

Just a reminder: PLEASE VOTE THIS NOVEMBER (or earlier if your state allows). 
And let your representatives and senators in D.C. know where you stand on this 

MoPo List Owner


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