Keep on truckin', Tom

Or as my grandpa was fond of saying, " never mind the conductor's blind,
keep on shoveling coal"


On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 8:42 PM Tom Martin <> wrote:

> hello Folks..
> since my release from Hospital and short stay in skilled nusing home
> after march 4///
> Ive been watching thenews and crazy politics andworld events.
>  From my poll I've seen everybody is scared.
>   When I have asked people in all sectors of life how they feel the world
> is going well agreed I've never seen anything crazy in politics or the
> weather or mankind in Madison in business now the recent event has been
> the artificial intelligence yeah today today Paul McCartney announced
> that they were going to do a new Beatles song utilizing John Lennon's
> early recordings that were never finished any used artificial
> intelligence to network it into the recording
> Ironically Yoko Ono on my Facebook and asked me to direct message her
> but I'm not even sure it was really her or a robot that you asked me is
> the scams on the Internet and become so complex that even when people
> call you on the phone you don't know if you're really speaking to a real
> human or a phony commercial sales person that's trying to sell you
>   or scam you if you call any of the computer people are service people
> they are so frustrated because they're being attacked by cyber from many
> different areas it's almost hysterically funny because the scammers are
> attacking the scammers
>   if you don't believe who is the supreme being I pretty much think
> humanity is it the brink of the end which if you read the Bible Christ
> told us that this would all happen however most people do not really
> take it literally is they think it's a comic book because they use their
> learned logic to try to solve these things I am either right on the
> money or a babbling fool which is point of the game I don't mind being a
> babbling fool because it's a sort of protection against reality is
> reality isn't very pretty right now is it that's why I feel God allowed
> me to see what's going on because my 46 years sign pop-culture I realize
> that we were educated to racism and hate and anger through the medium of
> movies and books and music is almost all art was created by what we
> would call outrageous people usually of the mental state of questionable
> mental abilities most of the people I've met in my life in the arts and
> movies and music were considered outsiders inside outside the box that's
> exactly why they were popular if you look at people like Marilyn Monroe
> and James Dean and Humphrey Bogart they did not fit into society but
> that's why they were so popular because they had unique charm or dialect
> or mannerisms that made them special and unique I don't think there's
> any formula for what makes a person popular when you consider art in
> general look at who is the popular artists word Salvador Dali Pablo
> Picasso Andy Warhol even Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were
> considered add people I was watching PBS when they announce that
> Leonardo da Vinci who is the son of unwed mother I was on unbelievably
> awestruck because I am the son of unwed mother and a low self-esteem
> from a very early age and why are you going to show business was I
> wanted to be appreciated for something recently while I was in a Kroger
> store shopping a man approached me he was impressed that I was getting
> all my items in a wheelchair and use one arm to roll myself around and
> he announced that he was the son of Johnny Ginger Johnny was in the
> movie the outlaws is coming with Adam west as they hired children's show
> hosts to be in the movie as different characters and in the 70s I
> represented Johnny when I was a booking agent and so I knew his story he
> was the friends with Sammy Davis Junior and various other movie people
> and yet here I run across his son in a Kroger's who announced to me that
> he was autistic and he could remember numbers and names and all kinds of
> things and I said wow I do that to perhaps I am autistic or Asperger's
> syndrome when I googled what people have autism and Asperger's in the
> list was like who's who of all the people I like inventors scientist
> artists musicians and actors name they were all there and I thought wow
> even Elon musk is considered Asperger's
> I've sterilized for years the people with ADD HD and what's considered
> mental illness are actually just very sensitive like to VU meters on a
> recorder they pick up little details that the general public misses
> that's why they're able to interpret into art forms I found out that
> Steven Spielberg one of my favorite directors was diagnosed as being
> dyslexic
> I'm sure you all know many people if you're in the business that are
> also considered out of the box just like look who's running in the world
> right now Bill Gates who is my age Jeff Bezos from Amazon Richard
> Branson who also had learning disabilities the list goes on for infinity
> tomorrow did I look research tomorrow I found that most of the people in
> history were considered crazy and the ones that were not our seldom
> recorded in history as being of any importance
> The philosophers all seem to agree the more that they knew the less that
> they really knew who were dumbfounded by the world itself I'm talking
> about Play-Doh Socrates and all of them a few of the psycho analysis
> people like Freud and Nietzsche came up with your own theories which
> don't get me going on psychoanalysis I think it's as simple as some
> people have six souls and some people get cured by getting in touch with
> their soul in their mind and with God
> We can be persuaded by many things in life most people are persuaded by
> the power of money and greed obtaining miss material things
> However some apparently mostly Buddhist monks turn to poverty is a form
> of personal redemption
> When I consider everything I realize I really know nothing and that my
> only hope is that was the purpose of this life that will help God and
> his plan of his will
> When people tell me it's all gonna get better I said based on what what
> we're seeing right now? As I have never seen so much confusion in
> society think about it a minute they just raise the debt ceiling because
> our own government is essentially broke and overspent from what I see
> it's on monopoly money and they can keep creating a bigger debt load
> however if you were I went to the bank and asked for a loan if we were
> in debt for even $100,000 they would say Mr. Martin your debt to income
> ratio is too broad we cannot give you a loan based on that unless you
> have enough collateral to pay for the loan what what's the collateral US
> government is offering to people just threats that if they don't raise
> it everything would come tumbling down and that's true it probably would
> because it's a big domino effect that we set up through miss management
> of spending three years and years of political leaders and those in
> Converse leading us in the wrong path at the same time the division
> between the politicians is so perverse because as my grandmother used to
> say two wrongs don't make a right and from what I can see the hell
> dissension is works destroyer all kinds of relationships most of the USA
> has investors from other countries anyways including China and I'm sure
> Germany Russia Italy France anybody with any money across the globe
> including the middle east has invested in to USA companies and products
> or based solely on many of the company for instance let's take the
> automobile industry we all know that Toyota basically is the best
> selling cars in the US however they do make some domestically but
> there's also Mercedes we make jeeps in Toledo however last I heard it
> was owned by an Italian company I believe fiat
> S the message I would say is don't be in fear because if it's true what
> Christ promised us everything's gonna be fine it's just gonna be rough
> getting thereo when you guys all figure this out get back to me I'm just
> gonna keep praying to God that his plan come to fruition
> Well keep eating your popcorn and watch your movies to occupy your time
> while you're waiting for things to get better as it does seem that
> people are still spending money like crazy for pieces of paper of movie
> images
> God bless you all and your families and I hope all the people can unite
> and help the poor and those that are suffering from mental illness and
> the like
> After my son took some of my memorabilia I realize that he wanted to
> keep a part of me and that's why he was taking my personal belongings
> and so I just forgave him and thought it isn't about the stuff it was
> about my relationship with my son that was my favorite part of life was
> having a sign for 36 years it's been I told him eventually you will get
> all my items I just liked being able to look back at my memories going
> back to childhood end of working with Adam West and such it was really
> thrilling I'm not gonna leave here with a U-Haul truck behind hers so he
> will get it eventually or he can solid and whatever he wants to do with
> that nobody really gets to keep it that's why can you king tuts personal
> stash is still floating around
> Jesus told us to store our treasures in heaven not on earth and so many
> memories of my family and my friends like the fellow Moto people that
> have passed away are the memories and treasures I will take with me when
> it's my time to go meanwhile of Jesus and God decided that they want me
> to continue selling posters and such I will do my best to do that and
> help as many people as I can as I've received so much help from are you
> folks on the News list thank you so much
> Tom
> Hollywood dream factory®
> since may 1977
> I can do all things by Christ 1
> Who strengthens me
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