Three days ago I found 3 horned grebes on a large wetland in central St. Louis 
County. Each was sporting a different plumage: one was clearly still in 
breeding plumage, a second appeared to be transitioning to winter basic 
plumage, but the third one was a puzzle--no "horns," and an all darkish (but 
not as dark as breeding plumage) head with the only evidence of differentiation 
between the upper half of head and cheeks a pure black line extending in back 
of the eye, and with a brownish-white foreneck. I'm trying to figure out if 
this might have been a first-year bird, which are described as having "duskier" 
heads than the winter basic plumage. One clue may be eye color. It had the 
bright red eye of an adult. Does anyone know when first-year horned grebes 
acquire this iris color? Also, I'd be interested in discussing the finer points 
of this observation with anyone who has extensive experience with horned grebe 
plumages, especially formative (first fall).

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