
I am new to the list, trying to dive into the world of MSP430 and I
already thank you for the great work around mspgcc/mspdebug. Thanks!

After playing a bit with the original Launchpad I also purchased the
FRAM experimenters board ( MSP-EXP430FR5739 ) mostly because it has
lots of outputs/peripherals and onboard accellerometer, so I can
extend my play/learntime without making boards myself.

However, from start I got an error in programming using mspdebug
(newest git version) that the device cannot be erased. I found
somewhere else, that this usually ends in the device actually being
erased but not responding. A solution was to unplug/replug the board
to USB, load the program and run. This worked, though it is pretty
annoying to need to replug the board.
Any idea what causes an after-erase error?

Worse, though, is that after a number of such programming cycles I
received a message that the "security fuse is blown (error 30)" which
disabled my access to the board alltogether. Problem is, I did not ask
for fuse blow (a probably difficult JTAG procedure?) so how on earth
could that happen?

This all is happening under linux (mint debian edition). If I try to
debug the board from Windows (CCS 5.1) I simply get message that the
board is not accessible.

Is it possible I really blew the security fuse by accident? If so, I
guess my only option is to buy a new board, right? Any other way to
check for that? (from CCS itself perhaps?)

Thanks for help!

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