On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 02:22:08AM -0800, Will Yardley wrote:
> Mark J. Reed wrote:
> > If you're not comfortable digging around your Perl install
> > and manually tweaking files, I recommend looking elsewhere.
> hrmm... i found it fairly easy to install - perl Makefile.pl ; make ;
> make install.

On debian it was just 
'apt-get update && apt-get install spamassassin'

> you need to setup your own copies of the config and user prefs files,
> which is perhaps what it's complaining about.
> i've used spambouncer for a long time, and like it, but i think
> spamassassin is much easier to configure, and seems to catch as much or
> more spam, while catching much less legitimate mail.

I agree.  Spamassassin uses multiple criteria, assigning
each one a point value, and messages that exceed a
threshhold are marked as spam.  If you have Vipul's Razor
installed too, a hit there is worth 3 points with 5 as the 
threshhold. (These are the default values (I don't know if
they are debian or upstream defaults); you can configure 
them to be whatever you want).  I read someplace that they
choose the points per criteria by running a sophisticated 
AI against a large base of legit vs. spam email.  (I think
it was a genetic algorithm.)


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