> On Monday, November 22, 2021, 02:53:17 AM CST, Anders Damsgaard 
> <and...@adamsgaard.dk> wrote: 

> I use the following sh(1) script to format the message as troff andconvert to 
> pdf: https://adamsgaard.dk/tmp/muttprint-groff.sh

>It's a bit ugly in places, but it works for me.  This is an example: 


> I bind it in my muttrc with the following:

>    set print_command="$HOME/.config/mutt/muttprint-groff.sh"

This gives me the following errors:

infile = /home/gt/tmp/mutt_SnvEqj
tmpfile = /home/gt/tmp/mutt_KAdWKA
outfile = /home/gt/tmp/mutt_f8z8fN.pdf
formatting /home/gt/tmp/mutt_SnvEqj to groff format in /home/gt/tmp/mutt_KAdWKA
running groff /home/gt/tmp/mutt_KAdWKA /home/gt/tmp/mutt_f8z8fN.pdf
troff: fatal error: can't find macro file s
Press any key to continue...

I don't quite get what the problem is.

Thanks again!

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