Hello All,
I am trying to create a perl DBI/DBD script for creating a database initial build. My 
input is a extract file, which is a mysqldump result file with --opt and -B option. 
I am using DBIx::DWIW. I am able to open a successful database handler. I am having 
code like
my $dropsql="DROP DATABASE $ARGV[1]";
my $loadsql="source /tmp/extract-file-name";
print "Running database load...\n";
die "Error running in $dropsql...\n" if ( RC != 0 );
die "Error in running $loadsql...\n" if (RC != 0);
It appears that $loadsql is not going through. It is able to drop database but not 
running source command at all. I have tried by using "\. extract-file-name", still no 
Looks to me that I am not doing it right way. Any help will be highly appreciated.

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