Hi Randy (and the cast of characters on this thread),

Could you please put in a lightning talk for this experiment?  It would be
great to hear more about this in .DR.  We're accepting submissions now for
lightning talks on Monday the 26th of January.  http://www.nanogpc.org is
the best place.  Cheers, -ren

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:

> On 09.01.13 07:42, Paul Stewart wrote:
>> For us, it was annoying - we look for prefix hijackings or what appear
>> to be.
> i think herein lies the rub.  it is not prefix hijacking and in no way
> should it appear that way to you.  i suggest tuning your detectors.  i am
> told that path poisoning is used (futilely, we hope to show) in day to day
> ops by folk to try to avert dos attacks.
> randy

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