From: "Robert Eurich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Towns remain divided over Redskin nickname
By Associated Press, 12/15/99 22:10
DEERFIELD, Mass. (AP) The two-year fight over whether to dump the Frontier Regional 
Junior-Senior High School team nickname has outlasted numerous votes, student polls, 
lawsuits and now the chairman of the school committee.

Blaming the wear and tear of the protracted debate over the Redskins nickname, 
Chairman Karl Koenigsbauer resigned from the Frontier Regional School Committee after 
the board put off a decision Tuesday.

''We got as far last night as a motion made and seconded to adopt the name Red 
Hawks,'' Koenigsbauer said Wednesday. ''It's frustrating.''

Still, he said he had decided to quit before the issue was postponed at the request of 
the student government. The students said they wanted another chance to express their 
opinion on the four proposed replacements: Red Hawks, Chiefs, Trailblazers and Red 

Students had been polled in 1997 and 1998, but many ignored the choices and wrote in 
Redskins, said Daniel Parker, president of the student council.

Elizabeth Hollingsworth, who chairs the Save the Redskins Committee, did not return a 
telephone message Wednesday.

Opponents of the Redskins nickname called it offensive and derogatory to American 
Indians. Supporters said it was a traditional nickname that had meant nothing more 
than school pride to generations of youngsters in four small farming towns settled 
during the French and Indian Wars.

''This issue has clearly divided the community and the divisions are fairly wide,'' 
Koenigsbauer said.

Even a year-long cooling off period, after Redskins supporters agreed to drop a 
federal lawsuit, failed to ease feelings, he said.

While the debate has raged here several schools, including Miami University in Ohio 
and Southern Nazarene University in Oklahoma, have dropped their Redskins nicknames. 
However, other schools, including Anderson High School in suburban Cincinnati, have 
voted to keep the nickname.

The squabble began in the fall of 1997 and accelerated after the Frontier board voted 
5-4 in December 1997 to drop the nickname

Redskins supporters took the issue to Town Meetings. And then sued in federal court 
after residents in three of the towns, Deerfield, Sunderland and Whately, voted to 
keep Redskins, but the fourth, Conway, vetoed the move.

Their suit challenged the constitutionality of the district giving all four of its 
member towns an equal vote when some towns have more registered voters. That issue 
remains unresolved, although the suit was dropped.

Koenigsbauer has been on both sides of the issue. He said Wednesday that he felt the 
Redskins nickname was derogatory, but after residents in his town of Deerfield voted 
to keep the nickname he felt a responsibility to vote their wishes.

However, he said, he had been prepared to vote to dump the nickname Tuesday night.

''The time has come for a decision,'' he said.

''Everybody, no matter what side of the issue they are on, feels the same way,'' said 
School Superintendent John Welch

Robert's web site:

<<<<=-=-=                                  =-=-=>>>> 
"We simply chose an Indian as the emblem.
  We could have just as easily chosen any
uncivilized animal."
   Eighth Grade student writing about his school's
   mascot, 1997
<<<<=-=  =-=>>>> 

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