I have an idea for the computer:// place: In the property window for
harddisks there could be an additional tab for file system (extX)
related features like:

      * show if fsck should be executed (uncleanly (un)mounted) 
      * show fsck reboot interval 
      * show how many reboots left before fsck is executed 
      * option for doing fsck right now 
      * option for doing fsck on next boot

This functions should be intelligent enough to suggest to check the
filesystem on next boot, if it is not possible to unmount the

Maybe somebody would say: Hey- this smells MS Windows-like! Use the cli!
Then my suggestion is to note that tools on the tab. 

I already tried to play around to make an implementation but got
frustrated because I didn't found the glade files for the property
window and my lack of knowledge on gtk.

The later future can look like that: Give a popup when an unclean
filesystem is mounted and show that properties after clicking on it.

Have a look on the mockup.


PS: As this is 2nd mail to this list and nobody answered my 1st, I would
appreciate ANY reaction this time to see if everything works

my public key is on

<<attachment: property-window.png>>

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