Hi Wim,

Am Do., 8. Apr. 2021 um 09:27 Uhr schrieb Wim Jongman <wim.jong...@gmail.com

> MiniMessage is right where your eyes are _and_ related to the current task
> (that is how I use it anyway :)

 Just for completeness: I guess one can configure a custom JFace dialog to
be non-modal, open at the cursor location (which is the default as far as I
know) and having no buttons.

> Yes, very nice. I think these are great additions to Notifier. Notifier
> was one of Laurents original Opal widgets.
Ok, so I would throw myself onto the Notifier.

First steps will be

1. Add a configuration option that allows for opening it on the cursor
2. Make it configurable in terms of colors (error, warning, info)
3. use 2. for CSS stylability

Do we need some sort of issue/ticket for tracking?

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