On Thu, 19 Oct 2023 12:10:02 GMT, Daniel Jeliński <djelin...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This patch fixes the encoding of IPv6 addresses in the URI provided to 
> ProxySelector.
> The original code percent-encoded the square brackets added around the IPv6 
> addresses, producing URIs that could not be parsed correctly.
> The proposed code does not percent-encode the IPv6 addresses at all.
> Added a test to verify that different forms of addresses are processed 
> correctly. The test verifies the handling of IPv4 addresses, IPv6 without 
> scope, IPv6 with numeric scope, IPv6 with textual scope (only if present on 
> the machine running tests), hostnames and FQDNs
> Tier1-3 tests passed.

Reading this makes me wonder if there are cases where 
ProxySelector.getDefault() returns null? I had thought we would only have a 
ProxySelector on macOS or when there is configuration but it looks like 
sun.net.spi.DefaultProxySelector will always be loaded. Do I read this 
correctly? The reason for asking is that I'm surprised the modified code is 
used for the common case, I expected it would only be used when there is 


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16265#issuecomment-1772231280

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