On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 22:05 +0100, Andrew Cheadle wrote:
> I was wondering what the current state of support for SMUX
> sub-agents in net-snmp 5.x is like.

Active support for SMUX is basically obsolete, in that
no-one is working on this code (and very few of us are
particularly familiar with it).  Note that there isn't
any support for using the Net-SNMP agent as a SMUX subagent
(unlike with AgentX).  It would be perfectly possible to
write code to handle this - it's just that no-one has done
so (and it's not planned as part of future development).

But the agent can run as a master SMUX agent, and there
is no intention to remove this functionality.  If it works
for you, then you should be safe enough using it.
If you run into problems, we *might* be able to help
(and would certainly be willing to incorporate fixes
into the development tree).  But you'd probably have to
do more of the work yourself, compared with an equivalent
problem with the AgentX support, or similar.

> I've previously developed a SMUX subagent for an AIX snmpd
> daemon and wondered if it was possible to perform a straight port
> and if so if the software is stable for mainstream applications.

It should be, yes.
My suspicion is that the SMUX code probably hasn't received the
same level of use that much of the rest of the agent has, so there
may well be some bugs lurking waiting to bite.
  But there's only one way to find out!


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