>   It could also be that some program is still running which has a file in
> /a open. That would also explain why the space is still shown as
> allocated.

No other files were open; it was preceded by an "*rm -rf /a/**" cmd.

But even after doing that, umounting it, and re-mounting it,  I find:

*# pwd/root# umount /a# mount_msdos /dev/sd2a /a# df -h /aFilesystem
  Size       Used      Avail %Cap Mounted on/dev/sd2a          1.4M
 31K       1.4M   2% /a# ls -la /a total 1drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  7168
Jan  1  1980 ./drwxr-xr-x  32 root  wheel  1024 Dec 29 02:38 ../*
Hmmm, somehow 31K are still used.   Used for what?   Now, I know that on
some filesystems, there is some 'hidden' disk space, which only root can

Back in windows, 32,256 bytes (63 sectors) are seen to be 'used' - but
there are no files.

Is NetBSD 'reserving' some sectors for some reason?   (As I say, normally
after formatting, windows only marks sectors 'used' that are bad; and this
particular diskette has 2 bad sectors (1,024 bytes)).  Reformatting on
Windows gives the 1,024 'used' bytes, and 1,456,640 'available' bytes, a
capacity of 1,457,664 bytes.   Now, the entire disk is 2880 sectors of 512
bytes each, hence 1,474,560 bytes; so the Directory uses 1,474,560 -
1,457,664 =16,896 bytes, or 33 sectors.

Back on NetBSD, I get this oddness:

*# mount_msdos /dev/sd2a /a  mount_msdos: /dev/sd2a on /a: Operation not
supported by device# mount_msdos /dev/sd2a /a  *

OK, no big deal, but not sure why -- after a successful umount previously
and ejection of the diskette -- that the error message is generated upon a
new mount.

*# df -h /a*

*Filesystem         Size       Used      Avail %Cap Mounted on/dev/sd2a
     1.4M       1.0K       1.4M   0% /aarm64# ls -la /a total 1drwxr-xr-x
1 root  wheel  7168 Jan  1  1980 ./drwxr-xr-x  32 root  wheel  1024 Dec 29
02:38 ../drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   512 Jan  5 14:19 System Volume
Information/#  ls -la /a/System\ Volume\ Information *

*total 1-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  76 Jan  5 14:19 IndexerVolumeGuid**

This all looks reasonable, except perhaps the 1.0K 'Used' field.   (1K is
bad blocks; and the IndexerVolumeGuid is only 76 bytes, which would consume
1 sector of 512 bytes, therefore the 'Used' should presumably be "1,5K" ?)

*# df -G /a *

*        /a (/dev/sd2a   ):     512 block size          512 frag size
2847 total blocks       2845 free blocks        2845 available         0
total files         224 free files         1810 filesys id     msdos fstype
          0x1000 flag                255 filename length         0 owner
              0 syncwrites            0 asyncwrites*
There are 2880 total sectors, and the directory uses 33 sectors, meaning
the max# of available sectors is 2847, as is reported.  2 sectors are bad,
hence 2845 actual free blocks.

But:  Where is *System Volume Information/**IndexerVolumeGuid *stored?

Writing the biggest possible file (given there are 2 bad sectors):

*# dd if=/dev/urandom of=big bs=1456640 count=1 1+0 records in1+0 records
out1456640 bytes transferred in 0.063 secs (23121269 bytes/sec)# time cp
big /a cp -pi big /a  0.00s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 14.627 total*

Clearly, the writes are buffered, as it takes about a minute to write all

*# df -G /a         /a (/dev/sd2a   ):     512 block size          512 frag
size      2847 total blocks          0 free blocks           0 available
     0 total files         224 free files         1810 filesys id     msdos
fstype           0x1000 flag                255 filename length         0
owner                 4 syncwrites            6 asyncwrites# ls -la
/adrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel     7168 Jan  1  1980 ./drwxr-xr-x  32 root
 wheel     1024 Dec 29 02:38 ../drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel      512 Jan  5
14:19 System Volume Information/-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  1456640 Jan  5
22:37 big**

So *System Volume Information/**IndexerVolumeGuid *is stored 'someplace
special', it would seem.

And now, this is the the part I really don't understand:

*# rm -rf /a/*zsh: sure you want to delete all the files in /a [yn]?
yarm64# ls -la /atotal 1drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  7168 Jan  1  1980
./drwxr-xr-x  32 root  wheel  1024 Dec 29 02:38 ../arm64# df -G /a
/a (/dev/sd2a   ):     512 block size          512 frag size      2847
total blocks        899 free blocks         899 available         0 total
files         224 free files         1810 filesys id     msdos fstype
    0x1000 flag                255 filename length         0 owner
        7 syncwrites           12 asyncwrites*

On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 2:07 PM <g...@duzan.org> wrote:

> > On 1/5/23 21:32, Michael Cheponis wrote:
> >> fascinatingly, now, when I try to "umount" the filesystem:
> >>
> >> *# umount /a
> >> umount: /a: Device busy*
> >
> > Fascinating, from what you wrote you might still "be" in /a
> >
> > regards,
> > chris
> >
>    It could also be that some program is still running which has a file in
> /a open. That would also explain why the space is still shown as
> allocated.
>                         Gary Duzan

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