El 11/10/23 a las 16:01, Benny Siegert escribió:
Yes, that's the correct procedure, but, I've never tried an update like
that using `sysupgrade'--I generally do a fresh install from scratch.

I have used this procedure recently (with 10_BETA), and it worked flawlessly.

And, unless you're fine with compiling your applications from source, I
would hold off on the upgrade until the binary packages for 10.x arrive:

Technically, you can also stop after the kernel upgrade, continue
using a 9.x userland, and use binary packages compiled for NetBSD-9.
The kernel must be the same version or newer than the userland, but
nothing says they need to be exact matches.

Thanks Benny for the tip!. I should have done it, but now it is too late. ;-) But no problem, I am compiling everything as needed. It is not an everyday use computer. Just to learn.

Waiting for the NetBSD 10 to arrive!

Thanks so much.

I did that for a while on a Pinebook Pro, to avoid having to build my
own packages.

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