also sprach David Lutterkort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.05.02.1834 +0100]:
> I just came across netconf - looks like a very interesting idea to
> get a better handle on all the craziness needed to get even
> moderately complex setups up and running.

Yeah, that's what I am hoping to do. Moreover, I want it to be
cross-distro from the start. I would thus appreciate if you spread
the word within RedHat and Fedora. We'd love to have people from
other distros join!

> I am not sure how much of an effort wrangling with existing
> network-related config files is; I assume there's a good bit of
> that. I've been working on a low-level tool for config-file
> wrangling - might be worth for you to have a look[1] If it looks
> like it would be useful, I'd be more than happy to work with you
> to get the config files that netconf needs access to supported in
> it.
> [1]

Ah, that's an interesting approach. The way netconf handles existing
configuration is via plugins. I've already implemented the Debian
plugin, which reads /etc/network/interfaces, and I thought that
other distros would provide their own plugins.

Netconf will also get a new configuration paradigm, following the
1.0 release, where I hope to cooperate with Gentoo, Fedora, etc. to
get all the good ideas and put them into a consistent format
specification, which does everything you can think of and still
remains flexible.

I've CC'd the list on this reply to keep your link in the archives.
We're on a tight schedule to implement the roadmap in time for the
1.0 release in August. I don't think Augeas will be considered for
1.0. I hope you understand.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
a friend is someone with whom
you can dare to be yourself

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