
Since Firefox 3 and Network Manager make this a very annoying issue I like 
to ask how NetConf will be going to handle on- and offline detection[1]
[2][3]. Will it handle it at all? How does it handle connection that it 
doesn't manage then?

I think the approach that Network Manager currently takes is not going to 
work out well. It just reports offline when all of the connections it 
handles is offline. Regardless of whether the complete network is 
actually really offline.

[1] iceweasel: offline mode on startup with NetworkManager not controlling 
active network interface: http://bugs.debian.org/491822 including 
reference to upstream bug report

[2] better handling of situations where network-manager does not manage 
all interfaces: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/491826 including reference 
to upstream bug report

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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