I see that setting the essid of a wireless card
(by iwconfig eth1 essid homenet)
triggers scanning;
namely , it calls ieee80211softmac_assoc_work() method which in
turn calls ieee80211softmac_start_scan().

I use zd1211 driver which works with the softmac layer
of the last git kernel.

I saw that this scanning call occurs wheter the card is down
or up (namely, ifconfig eth1 up was called).

Only in the first case (card is down) ,it only says:
Associate: Scanning for networks first.
SoftMAC: Associate: failed to initiate scan. Is device up?

and when card is up it says:

SoftMAC: Associate: Scanning for networks first.
SoftMAC: Start scanning with channel: 1
SoftMAC: Scanning 13 channels
SoftMAC: Scanning finished

several times.

My question is : why is this scanning needed when set essid is called?
and why is the repeatition?

I am a little newbie in this...

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