2006/5/10, Michael Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Tuesday 09 May 2006 18:01, Ivo van Doorn wrote:
> A user on the forums Olivier Cornu (added to the CC list) has done some
> investigation into the scanning behaviour of the dscape stack.
> Basicly the dscape stack is performing active scanning while the device is
> down, but during the active scan it is sending packets out, or at least
> attempting to do so. Besides the question if active scanning is preferred
> over passive scanning while interface is down, active scanning fails
> because the packets that should be send are being send through the regular
> xmit routines of the interface. (IFF_UP is not set for the interface)
> This means that besides enabling the radio which should be done in the
> driver, the stack should either bring up the interface when doing an active
> scan, or resort to passive scanning while interface is down.
If you can passive scan while the interface is down, I don't think it's really
down. In adm8211, nothing can be sent or received when the interface is down.
The radio is always off when the interface is down. Taking the interface up
just for a scan and then taking it back down doesn't sound too good either. I
think scans should be prohibited while the interface is down, since leaving
the interface on isn't gonna do anything bad unless you put in the info to

-Michael Wu

What do you mean exactly by "device is down, but not really down"?
I thought a network device was called "down" when the IFF_UP flag of
its net_device struct was set to 0 (thus not appearing in ifconfig,
among other things). Is there any other alternative understanding of
it being "down" i'm not aware of?

I confirm scanning actively with the device down is possible using
another NIC/driver. Thus I guess it's normal behaviour.
I still have to figure out how to do it using the dscape 802.11 stack
(if it's actually possible)...

Olivier Cornu
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