Briefly in line with [AF2]
Tl;dr  All is good.

-----Original Message-----
From: Qin Wu <> 
Sent: 05 July 2023 05:14
To:; 'Kent Watsen' <>;
Subject: RE: [netmod] WGLC on node-tags-09

Hi, Adrian:
发件人: Adrian Farrel [] 
发送时间: 2023年6月28日 23:25
收件人: Qin Wu <>; 'Kent Watsen' <>;
主题: RE: [netmod] WGLC on node-tags-09

Thanks Qin,

In line...


== Discussion ==

Section 7.

I'm not completely comfortable with the way you use the base identity 
node-tag-type to capture the variants defined in the IANA registry shown in 
9.2. What happens when another document defines a new IETF tag type?
Is it necessary to also write a new YANG module that augments this one?
Or to respin this document? Those feel to me to be very ugly!

The alternatives might be:

1. You simply use the tag as a string (i.e., using the typedef tag) and
   rely on implementations to know what the tag type means.

2. You change the identity to an Integer, and you include an integer in
   the IANA registry so that new tags are just new entries.

3. You move the base identity into an IANA-managed YANG module that is
   updated by IANA automatically in lockstep with the IETF tags registry

[Qin Wu] Good comment, Andy also raised similar comment, the motivation of 
introducing node-tag-type identities is to address Jurgen's comment and try to 
make the node tag mechanism generic enough and allow future extension, we did 
provide an example in Appendix A which allow you add additional Auxiliary Data 
Property in the module extension.

one thing I want to clarify is
node-tag-type identities did capture the variants defined in the IANA registry, 
but node-tag-type identities will not be registered together with IETF YANG 
Data Node Tags. Secondly, we did use tag as a string, we choose to use the same 
typedef tag used for module tag, now for node tag. 
We have two ways to address this comment:
1. we completely remove identities from this module, the downside is it doesn't 
allow any future module extension.
2. we keep some of these identities for second level data node classification, 
e.g., summary, counter, gauge, unknown, etc but remove packet loss ,jitter 
,delay identities from this draft since it seems to  duplicate with what has 
already been defined in IANA registry, in addition, we remove some of IETF yang 
data node tags including summary, counter, gauge and unknown, which is 
redundant with identities  for second level data node classification.

[AF] I support the motivation. I would like the node tag mechanism to be 
I didn't notice the purpose of Appendix A (perhaps it could use a little more 
I think your option 1 would only work if we move the identities to a new module 
(possibly under IANA control - my option 3) Your option 2 looks worthy of 
consideration, but it is a big change at this stage in the process - I don't 
want to cause disruption to the WG process as I am not an implementer of this 
I wonder whether my options 1 and 2 wouldn't be simpler.

[Qin Wu-1] My proposal. Removing identityref type from YANG module is aimed at 
avoiding duplication with IETF node tag. In addition, I prefer to align with 
module tag RFC8819 for simplicity. The idea is to use YANG extension to provide 
I will update the draft to reflect this.

[AF2] Simplicity is good. Avoiding duplication is good. Aligning with published 
RFCs is good.


I think that Section 1, in introducing the concept of tags, should spend a 
sentence describing YANG Module Tags [RFC8819] so that we can see how the YANG 
tags already exist, and how this work develops the idea.

[Qin Wu] I think we have already done this, see relevant text in section 1 as 
   To that aim, this document defines a YANG module [RFC7950] that
   augments the YANG Module Tags ([RFC8819]) to provide a list of node
   entries to add or remove node tags as well as to view the set of node
   tags associated with specific data nodes or instance of data nodes
   within YANG modules.

[AF] Hmmm. It's true that you provide the pointer to RFC 8819. I just wondered 
about a quick description of what it does.
But I don't insist on this change.

[Qin Wu-1] Here is the proposed change to introduction section
For the specific case of YANG data models, a module tag is defined as a string 
that is associated with a module name at the module level
For the specific case of YANG data models, a module tag has already been 
defined as a string that is associated with a module name at the module level 
for YANG modules classification.

[AF2] OK


Apart from being able to deduce it from Section 4.3, it is not absolutely clear 
from Section 4 that the colon has special meaning. That is that all prefixes 
now and in the future are delimited by the colon.
(This is important because, absent a colon, there is no way to distinguish an 
non-colon user prefix from any registered prefix.) This means that:
- Future definitions of tag values might not realise that they are
  supposed to use a colon - you should clarify that all prefixes end
  with a colon noting that the colon is not a separator but is part of
  the prefix. This does beg the question about separators in the
  prefixes and in the tag values
  - Prefixes that contain colons will cause confusion and so you should
    probably make it a 'MUST NOT'
  - Tag values (after the prefix) that contain colons may cause 
    confusion so you should probably make this a RECOMMENDation, 
    although 4.2 suggests the use of colons as further separators.

An alternative to all this is that you define the colon as the separator, and 
change the tag names to not include colons.

But 9.1 makes it pretty clear that you expect all registered prefixes to end 
with a colon.

[Qin Wu] That's really a good comment, so Tag = Tag prefix+ Tag Value, Colon is 
part of Tag prefix if you expect all registered prefix to end with a colon.
The question is whether we see colon as separator or portion of the tag prefix.
Do we need to make tag prefix is mandatory to have for a tag?

[AF] I don't really mind.
The closest to what you have is...
- Tag prefix is not mandatory
- All tag prefixes MUST end with a colon
- Colons MUST NOT be used within a prefix
- Colons SHOULD NOT be used in a tag value If you want to, you could specify a 
character to be used as a separator within prefixes and values (such as a 

[Qin Wu-1] That's a good summary. I will incorporate some of these principles 
into the updated draft. In addition, I think Colons can be used within a tag 
value, "entno:vendor-defined-classifier" is one of examples used for vendor tag.

[AF2] Sounds good. 
The colon in a tag value is allowed by "SHOULD NOT", but I wanted to avoid the 
confusion between a tag value that does not use a prefix but contains a colon, 
and a tag that has a prefix and a value.
For example, ietf:foo should be a tag comprising the prefix ietf: and the value 
foo. But a non-prefixed tag could legitimately be ietf:foo. 
That example is a bit silly, but consider that someone makes a non-prefix tag 
iab:bah and deploys the code. Tomorrow the IETF decides that there should be a 
registered prefix iab: Now we have collisions.


9.2 constrains these tags by saying that they must "conform to Net- Unicode as 
defined in [RFC5198], and shall not need normalization".  I think you should 
state this in this section using BCP 14 language.

[Qin Wu] How about the following change:

An IETF tag is a node tag that has the prefix "ietf:".
All IETF node tags are registered with IANA in the registry defined in Section 
An IETF Tag is a node tag that has the prefix "ietf:".
All IETF Node Tags are registered with IANA in the registry defined in Section 
These IETF Node Tags MUST conform to Net-Unicode as defined in [RFC5198], and 
SHOULD not need normalization.

[AF] Yes



   These tags are defined by the vendor that implements the module, and
   are not registered with IANA.  However, it is RECOMMENDED that the
   vendor includes extra identification in the tag to avoid collisions,
   such as using the enterprise or organization name following the
   "vendor:" prefix (e.g., vendor:entno:vendor-defined-classifier).

Surely you have to go further than recommending? How will interop work unless 
you require 'entno' to be present?

But here you have said "enterprise or organization name" and then used a field 
called 'entno' which looks very much like an Enterprise Number as registered by 
IANA (RFC2578) which would, IMHO, be a good solution.

[Qin Wu] Correct, the motivation is to use additional enterprise name to avoid 
collision, Do you think I should add reference to RFC2578?

[AF] Yes. RFC 9371 might be a good reference, too.

[Qin Wu-1]Okay. 

4.4 looks reasonable to me, but I think you need to add text to talk about how 
an implementation is supposed to handle a tag prefix it doesn't know (for 
example, one that is defined and added to the registry after the code was 
released). I suspect the intention is that all tags can be processed as opaque 
strings, and the prefixes are there in order to achieve uniqueness of the 
strings, but do not need to be processed.
Thus all implementations should be able to process all tags regardless of their 

[Qin Wu] Your understanding is correct, maybe add one more sentence at the end 
to say:
Therefore an implementation SHOULD be able to process all tags regardless of 
their prefixes.
[AF] Yes



   An implementation MAY include additional tags associated with data
   nodes within a YANG module.  These tags SHOULD be IETF ((i.e.,
   registered) ) or vendor tags.

It would be good to:
- Expand on the "MAY" to say why an implementation might do that 
[Qin Wu] I think section 5.1 emphasizes adding tag at the module design stage 
while section 5.2 emphasizes that we can adding additional tag at the 
implementation stage, e.g., vendor A want to add some vendor specific tag, 
Vendor B want to add some other IETF tag that allow two vendors interoperable.

- Add an alternative to the "SHOULD" and an indication of why an
  implementation might vary from the "SHOULD".

[Qin Wu] How about the following change:
   An implementation MAY include additional tags associated with data
   nodes within a YANG module at the implementation time.  These tags SHOULD be 
IETF ((i.e.,
   registered) ) or vendor tags. IETF tags allows better interoperability than 
vendor tags.

[AF] I'm afraid that this seems to miss my point.
How about...
   An implementation that wishes to define additional tags to associate
   With data nodes within a YANG module MAY do so at implementation
   time.  These tags SHOULD be IETF (i.e., registered)), but MAY be vendor
   tags. IETF tags allows better interoperability than vendor tags.

[Qin Wu-1] The proposed change look good, thanks.

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