In article <>,
   Gavin Wraith <> wrote:
> In message <>
>           "Richard Torrens (lists)" <> wrote:

> >The latest Netsurf 3.6 (Dev CI #3739) appears to be ignoring css. Does
> >anyone else find this?

> I cannot say that I have noticed it. Can you give us a URL frinstance?

The first 3 links off that all contain
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../styles.css" type="text/css">
which should align all the images right amongst other css.

It did work fine and still does on Chrome - but there seems to be more
to it! I've just tried with earlier versions back to 3709 and none work. 

So I deleted Netsurf's cache - and it now works properly again! 

Richard Torrens. for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, cats
and more!

  • css Richard Torrens (lists)
    • Re: css Gavin Wraith
      • Re: css Richard Torrens (lists)

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