Thanks, David - as I said in the discussion in Berlin, Stewart and I ended
in a weird place where we practically taught the "Alt-Right" its own
One shouldn't read too much into its grasp of Gramsci though. This is what
Yiannopolous wrote about him in the original manuscript of his book
'Dangerous' (that Simon & Schuster ended up not publishing):

And so, in the 1920s, the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci decided that the
time had come for a new form of revolution -- one based on culture, not
class. According to Gramsci, the reason why the proletariat had failed to
rise up was because old, conservative ideas like loyalty to one's country,
family values, and religion held too much sway in working-class communities.
If that sounds familiar to Obama's comment about guns and religion, that's
because it should. His line of thinking, as we shall see, is directly
descended from the ideological tradition of Gramsci. Gramsci argued that as
precursor to revolution, the old traditions of the west -- or the 'cultural
hegemony,' as he called it -- would have to be systematically broken down.
do so, Gramsci argued that "proletarian" intellectuals should seek to
challenge the dominance of traditionalism in education and the media, and
create a new revolutionary culture. Gramsci's ideas would prove phenomenally
influential. If you've ever wondered why forced to take diversity or gender
studies courses at university, or why your professors all seem to hate
western civilization ... Well ' you knew who to blame Gramsci.

(Because of the lawsuit, the manuscript is publicly available here:
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