Bridging Art, Design and Technology through Critical Making

Tickets € 7,50-20:

The partners and researchers of the project Bridging Art, Design and
Technology through Critical Making are excited to announce the two-day
symposium Making Matters. The symposium takes place from 9-10th of May at
West Den Haag, Lange Voorhout 102 in The Hague.

Making Matters invites makers, artists, students, activists, theorists,
designers, humans and non-humans to think about making practices and their
critical potential. By offering opportunity for exchange across
disciplines, the symposium attempts to shift the discourse of making from
maker culture to a wider set of creative practices, thereby proposing
alternatives to the solutionism of contemporary techno-creative industries.

The project ˜Bridging Art, Design and Technology through Critical Making'
investigates how Critical Making — a notion originally developed in the
context of social research, design and technology — can be adopted and
developed in relation to artistic research and (post)critical theory.

Confirmed speakers include: Ramon Amaro / Liesbeth Bik / Loes Bogers /
Letizia Chiappini / ginger coons / Florian Cramer /
/ Anja Groten / Frans-Willem Korsten / Pia Louwerens / Ulrike Möntmann /
Shailoh Phillips / Dani Ploeger / Constant (Femke Snelting) / Janneke

9.30 Welcome (coffee & tea)
10.00 Introduction Critical Making Consortium:
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Het Nieuwe Instituut) / Janneke Wesseling / Lucas
Evers (Waag)
10.30 Presentation Liesbeth Bik followed by dialogue with Florian Cramer
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Presentations:
/ Constant (Femke Snelting) + dialogue
12.45 Lunch break
13.45 Presentations: Shailoh Phillips & Pia Louwerens
14.45 Presentation: Dani Ploeger
15.45 Coffee break
16.00 Public discussion: Challenges and Consequences of Critical Making Now
17.00 Drinks

FRIDAY 10 MAY 2019
9.30 Welcome (coffee & tea)
10.00 Introduction on Critical Making:
Lucas Evers (Waag) / Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Het Nieuwe Instituut) /
Marie-José Sondeijker (West Den Haag)
10.30 Presentations: Frans-Willem Korsten / ginger coons
11.30 Coffee break
11.45 Talk: Ramon Amaro
12.15 Presentation: Anja Groten
12.45 Lunch break
13.45 Bookpresentation INC: Letizia Chiappini / Loes Bogers
14.00 Workshop: Hackers & Designers
14.00 Workshop: Ramon Amaro
14.00 Workshop: Thalia Hoffman
14.00 Workshop: Pia Louwerens
16.00 Public discussion + wrap up
17.00 Drinks

More information:

Partners: Academy of Creative and Performing Arts - Leiden University
<>, Willem de Kooning Academy
<>, Het Nieuwe Instituut
<>, Waag Society
<>, West

The research project ‘Bridging Art, Design and Technology through Critical
Making’ is part of the Smart Culture - Arts and Culture programme, funded
by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in
collaboration with the Taskforce for Applied Research (NRPO SIA).

This notice reflects only the authors’ views. NWO is not liable for any use
that may be made of the information contained therein.

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