Damian G wrote:

>On Thu, 3 Oct 2002 13:11:25 +0200
>"l.biagiotti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Thanks for the ad Franki, but unfortunately the first thing I tried was the
>>test you're suggesting so:
>>800x600 - 256 does not work (or does weird things), while changing some
>>settings in the "server options" (under "expert mode") such as "linear" -
>>"Fifo conservative" etc. did the trick but Mandrake won't keep these
>>What I'm talking about here is not just the fact that I can't get any res
>>higher than 640x480, but also that THIS res. is acting wildly. My desktop
>>goes OUT of the screen area, and so do any window that I open ... so I'm
>>pretty sure that this is not a problem related to the video card but rather
>>some strange driver-related (?) problem ... or isn't it?
>yes, i've seen this happening on a 2MB Trident video card, too. i tried
>to switch it to 1024x768 (which was the res it could do in windows, so i knew
>it was possible) and it worked ok.. until the next time the X server started.
>then the effect was like when the actual resolution is set at 800x600 but
>you are 'zoomed in' with Ctrl+Alt+"+" ... the desktop size exceeds the screen
>and you can 'scroll' it by taking the mouse pointer to the edges...
>Unfortunately, this seems to be a bug of the Xserver. i've seen no way
>of fixing this.. so yes, i would recommend you to but another card
>(i've had computers working great under Mandrake 7.1 with video
>cards of 4MB)
Try editing the XFree86 configuration file by hand.

Sir Robin

"We do not imprison ourselves with laws, or impoverish ourselves with money" - Iain 

Robin Tunrer
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533


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