Tim Werner wrote:
> Someone posted a documentation question earlier and got a
> pretty good answer, but I'm still trying to figure out the
> best way to find things out.
> I guess I'm a little spoiled by MSDN.  For instance, if I
> want to know about file permissions, it would be Really
> Neat if there were a tool I could run and enter "file
> permissions" into a search box, and get a list of matching
> pages.
> I remember there used to be something called the Linux
> Documentation Project.  I'm sure they must still be working
> on it, but even years ago there were more Howto's than you
> could shake a stick at.  I kind of expected there to be a
> really cool downloadable manual by now.  Maybe it's out
> there and I just haven't found it yet.
> I get the impression that the Mandrake people are holding
> out for some bucks, figuring people who won't pay for the
> OS might pay for the docs. That's fine if that's what they
> want to do, but there must be a mother lode of vanilla
> linux info out there somewhere.  The stuff I downloaded
> from the Mandrake site was OK but a little disorganized and
> obviously incomplete.
> Could someone maybe give a road map as to where the Good
> Documentation is, and how to get it installed on one's
> machine?  Or could some of you give some of your own tips
> on how you look things up?  It can't all be word of mouth.

go to:



file permissions

which returns quite a few relevent hits.

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