>I have used dancer and epona and neither were that long a compilation.

This is a 233mmx 128MB machine that i use as a net gateway for my home

If I put it on my XP2200 system, I imagine it'd be alot faster...

>From what I can tell, unrealircd is a very comprehensive ircd written in
what looks to be C...

Its so comprehensive that I can't find the config file :-)

This is why I prefer rpms... I can always find out where everything got put
without reading code.

I used to be a longtime IRC user.. was a big fan of pirch.. but haven't used
it in years and never setup a server before..

I'd like to be able to use DCC, and the very basic irc facilities.. since
its only for work I don't need any of the extra's, but I'd like to learn.
(if they piss me off, I'll just use gShield to blacklist their IP address

I have root, why do I need moderator facilities etc...  :-)



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