doesn't codeweavers wine run IE ok????



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Warren Post
Sent: Friday, 14 February 2003 12:03 AM
To: Newbie list
Subject: [newbie] If I have to have MSIE...

I have to have MSIE. I don't like the browser, but I do a little web
design and I need to have MSIE handy (and multiple versions, no less) to
test my work in -- as I learned the hard way last week. :-(  Given that
Bill's Bad Browser isn't and will probably never be available for Linux,
how have others on this list with the same need handled this?

Ideally I'd buy VMWare, but economically that's not an option right now.
Which leaves me with setting up multiple Windows partitions (one for
each version of MSIE I need) and reboot every time I want to test my
work, or run multiple versions of MSIE in an emulator. Thoughts?
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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