On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 16:14, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
> On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 00:55, Technoslick wrote:
> >  
> > > What are the advantages of using dhcp for such small network of three 
> > > computers. Kindly explain. I have fixed ips for my LAN of 5 PCs.
> Just my two cents:
> I've always considered DHCP to be the lazy way out of a situation; that
> is, unless you've got a large corporate department with heaps of laptops
> and "changing" systems - otherwise, static IP's lend to better overall
> network accountability and security.

I manage a corporate network of over 400 desktops, 50 laptops, 50
servers, 70 networked laser printers, 4 routers, 40+ switches, 3
firewalls, and 30+ virtual IP's for web servers and load balancers. 

All of the desktops and laptops use DHCP, the rest of the devices have
static addresses.  I use a spreadsheet to keep track of the static
addresses, and even with the DHCP server handling the users desktops and
laptops, the spreadsheet contains over 200 ip addresses. If I didn't use
DHCP it would be over 600 addresses...

> In having static IP's for a controlled environment, you can literally
> account for every packet on the network without heaps of investigation
> and digging through logfiles.

The DHCP server I use (not Microsoft's) maintains a database of every ip
address. I only have to look at that database to find out which ip
address goes with which machine.  That aside let me give you another
good reason to use dhcp. 

We installed a new firewall recently, but needed to keep the old one in
place until all the web servers, citrix servers and mail servers could
be reconfigured.  DHCP allowed me to change the default gateway for all
the users computers without having to visit everyone of them and
manually change the gateway.  

> K.I.S.S. - and better overall network performance - especially with a
> mixture of OS's and hardware.

I agree with K.I.S.S.  The DHCP fits the bill.

Trying to manually maintain 600+ ip addresses would not be simple...


Chuck Stuettgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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