On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 02:22, JoeHill wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 21:21:34 -0400
> Thomas Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > but I get concerned that any time the government gets involved
> One of my favourite quotes, I still have no idea where it came from:
> "When I hear the word 'government', I reach for my gun."

To be pedantically accurate, the original is "When I hear the word
'culture', I reach for my gun." by one of the Nazis.
I think it was the Brownshirt leader, not Goebbels, and he used the
actual name of a German gun - you historians can put me right.

However, Tom's/Joe's quote/misquote is a better version, IMHO


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