owenb wrote:
> How do I get a response concerning defective Mandrake
> merchandise? I tried what e-mail and phone number I could
> find without any response. 


> I bought, "The Definitive Manual
> for version 9.0 just prior to the release of the 9.1
> version.  The book had nearly no use when the pages began
> falling out. Not one or two but in groups.  It is obvious
> that the glue holding the pages in the binding has a
> problem. All I want is a replacement for this older version
> manual.  I'm not trying to ding Mandrake for the 9.1
> version.
> I didn't have any problem having Mandrake take my money
> when I bought the book, the 9.0 software and the 9.1
> software.
>   Does anyone know how to gain satisfaction?


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