On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 04:10, Sharrea Day wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:04, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > Three weeks ago the south-eastern coast of Australia was hit with winds
> > that blasted us in excess of 140kph - causing damage and panic, loss of
> > power and utilities, homes, a few lives - how come y'all don't hear a
> > damn thing about that back in Yankland? Not a one person mentioned
> > anything in the past three weeks about it...hmmm?
> >
> > Yet - the entire world has to know about a storm that hits the
> > US...strange that is, don't ya reckon?
> Yeah... an' the South Island, NZ got hit with 170kph winds just a few days 
> ago an' notawordaboutit???
> Sharrea

We (I, at least) had heard of the 'superphoon' they were calling it, but
you are so right that it was blasted off the headlines by a tropical
storm heading right to DC. but they were both some record storms a week
before. they said the eyewall wind speed of Isabel was the highest they
had ever measured from a hurricane hunter plane, and the same night they
were also mentioning the 'superphoon', but I thought it was much north
of you all,,, last I heard. 

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