On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:25 pm, robin wrote:
> What I'd like to do is a little less drastic than previous posts.  I use
> korganizer to access a calendar stored on a remote server, but this
> means that whenever I login, KDE presents me with a password request.
> The KDE Control Centre (or Konqueror configuration) insists that I set a
> timeout on stored passwords, which is silly considering that I have the
> same password stored permanently by other apps (e.g. ncftp, wvdial).  I
> know this is a security feature to stop users doing silly things, but
> there should also be a workaround for people who are willing to take
> risks and sensible enough to take precautions (this is, after all, a
> one-user workstation, not a server controlling a nuclear power
> station).  So is there a workaround?
> Sir Robin

Thats what sudo is for. With sudo you can allow a specific user or group of 
users to execute commands they would not normally have permission for, either 
without a password, or giving their own user password.

All you need to do is edit /etc/sudoers using the special editor visudo (as 
man sudoers 
describes the syntax (which is pretty tricky)
Then you can call up the command with
'sudo command parameters'
To save having to type sudo every time you can create an alias in your 
For example
command=sudo command


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