On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 11:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> <cut>
> including
> >ones who work for anti-virus companies. Jack Clarke, European
> product
> >manager at McAfee, said, "So we will be seeing more Linux
> viruses as the
> >OS becomes more common and popular."
> >
> >Mr. Clarke is wrong."
> >
> >Source:
> >
> >http://securityfocus.com/columnists/188
> >
> >-- 
> i'll offer a slightly different take... i believe we will in time
> see more efforts at virii for linux/os x/<name your fav new os>
> as they become more popular simply because there are those who
> enjoy seeing what holes they can find or simply enjoy destroying
> for destruction's sake.  but i believe it will simply be more
> effort - not more successful virii, especially as long as
> updating is as (usually) painless as it is now.  linux will
> eventually have it's own crises to deal with as new areas are
> discovered and explored.  some may well bring linux downa notch
> or two, but this community has the benefit of open communication
> and remarkably fast response; any attack should be a short blip
> on the radar before it fades and we all move on.
I don't think soooooo..

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