On Sun, 2003-10-05 at 12:52, M J Pipkin wrote:
> Please do not send me any more newbie spam.  As a registered user, Anne
> Wilson, perhaps you would be so kind as to ensure my privacy is not further
> invaded with unwanted Mandrake Newbie mail.
> I would appreciate some professionalism in your honouring an individual's
> right to be excluded from receiving unwanted mail (spam).
Well M J Pipkin...

let's see, how can I put this...

How do _you_ define spam?

By my definition, (unwanted e-mail, that was not ever requested, and has
no value to the receiver) you have spammed the Mandrake newbie list.
Since someone with your e-mail address has signed up and sent a
confirmation that they signed up. it becomes the responsibility of the
person at that e-mail address to correct the subscription.

I know I wrote you a very nice letter explaining it when you first
_spammed_ me with your auto reply.
to paraphase yourself
perhaps you would be so kind as to ensure my privacy and bandwidth is
not further invaded with unwanted _your_ auto-responders Newbie mail.

I would love to have everyone else that has responded to MJ Pipkin to
post those responses on the OT list, since I know most of any response
would have been sent direct to MJ, since his reply to address is set for
it's self and not the lists. I wonder how everyone else handled this...


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