"Clyde J. Kell" wrote:
> >===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
> >On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 07:20:47PM -0500, Clyde J. Kell wrote:
> >> Help,
> >> Whenever I try to run a particular program I receive an:
> >> Segmentation Fault core dumped
> >
> >What program?
> Seti@Home  here's the download page:
> http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/unix.html

Okay, that might explain some things.  The seti@home client can be
pretty processor intensive, and I've seen Windows users use it as a
decent benchmark/burn-in tool when overclocking processors.  Their
reasoning is that if it survives seti@home, the machine will be fine for
normal use.

One thing I'm curious about...  the memory in the new machine -- is it
from the old machine?  Maybe you need to adjust the waitstates in the
BIOS to account for memory that's slower than it expects?

> >
> >> Then when I try to do anything else I receive:
> >> unable to load interpreter
> >> init: Id "3"
> >> respawning too fast disabled for 5 minutes
> >
> >What did you edit in /etc/inittab?
> Nothing!!  I did a complete re-installation from a Mandrake 6.0 CD.
> Any ideas on what the inittab should display?

Another question -- does this occur only after you've had the
segmentation fault above?  

> >
> >Tough to tell with the limited information you provided.  Post more info and
> >we'll probably be able to help.
> Steve,
> Since posting my last msg, I've conducted a little experiment. It seems
> like my other applications, the things provided with the CD, and StarOffice,
> and one or two others downloaded appear to work just fine. The machine stayed
> up all night Sunday night, running KDE, and the built in screen saver.

You'll find that the processor stays pretty quiet during these tasks. 
I'd expect probably 80% or higher idle.  Linux will automatically call
the HLT (is that correct?) instructions when it's idle, allowing the
processor to slow and cool down.  
> However  SAT night I tried to run the Setiathome client software in background
> mode as normal but from Console mode. The system crashed over night, with
> segmentation faults, and a kernel panic. This machine and Mandrake just
> doesn't seem to like Setiathome.
> I find this very bothersome. Because I like to participate in distributed data
> processing projects, and if Mankdrake can't handle Setiathome... Well what
> other applications will it have problems with.
> Of course I'm still not ruleing out the possibility of my Motherboard giving
> me problems.

I'd take a hard look at hardware on this one.  Either the memory just
isn't fast enough for the new board, or you've got dodgy cooling on the

Hope these suggestions help,

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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