Le May 8, 2004 06:50 pm, Asa Rossoff a écrit :
> From: "Marc Lijour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > I realized when projecting the display on screen with a video projector
> that
> > the image is blurry compared to the one produced with windows.
> > Of course I immediately tried to configure the focus on the projector
> itself
> > but that does not work. The screen is hardly readable from more than 2
> meters
> > against 6+ with windows.
> >
> > Have you an idea about what can be the cause of this?
> This is just a guess, could it be the resolution you are using?  video
> projection is fairly low resolution, I think.  Are the results the same if
> you try your Windows resolution?  Do you have instructions or a web site
> for the projecter that you could check for suggestions?

I try that.
The projector is attached to the video card output port.
Then the signal goes through and come back to my monitor by an output port in 
the projector, a little like my answering machine.

Now, the display on the monitor looks fine. However it is blurry on screen.
I use 24 bits 800x600, like with windoes. 

Do you think it could be the projector?

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