On Sun, 2004-07-11 at 07:30, Joseph Gregory Croes wrote:
> And by the way I am a total newbie. I can use mandrake but with GUI. But I 
> am not
> used with command lines. I you guy show me the steps, step by step I can do 
> it.
> Thanks

Maybe I'm stepping in too late on this, but once the machine APPEARS as
to have completed it's bootup process (when the hard drive is no longer
spinning or making noise) have you tried hitting CTRL+ALT+F2 ??? You
SHOULD see a "console login" when you do that - mind you SHOULD is the
key word here.

I saw you  mentioned something about NVidia, but you didn't list it in
your machine's inventory in the previous message - do you, in fact, HAVE
an NVidia card?

If so, and IF you can get to a console login, you can login as root,
then at the prompt type:

cd /etc/X11

then type:

vi XF86Config-4

...and once the editor has loaded, locate the section for the video
driver - if it lists nv instead of nvidia, you're going to have to
change it; so while in the editor, you hit the INSERT key, then navigate
to the line you want to change, change it (from nv to nvidia) then hit
the ESC key, then hit : then wq => that will save it...then when back at
the prompt, type "reboot" and watch.

Now, there COULD be an issue with the monitor settings - that could be
another reason you're not getting anything at the boot; but try that 
first and lets see how ya goes.

stephen kuhn - proprietor
illawarra computer services :: a kuhn media australia venture
http://kma.0catch.com  :: mobile 0410.728.389
Serving Sydney, The Illawarra, South Coast and Rural NSW
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
  Certified virus-free since we don't use Microsoft products

Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!

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