On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 05:49:35PM -0500, hackhound wrote:
> I have configured Klipper with the following line to launch Firefox
> when a link in a text file is highlighted, and it works if Firefox is
> not open.  The problem is when I try it while Firefox is already open.
>  It's supposed to open in a new window, but instead It opens the
> profile manager asking me to choose one.  I currently am using the
> default profile, and if I choose that one, it says that it cannot open
> with that profile because it is currently in use.
> ps x |grep -q '[f]irefox' && firefox -remote "openURL(`echo %s`,
> new-window)" || firefox %s
> Thanks,
> Hackhound

Here's a script I use for such annoyances.


$browserPath -a firefox -remote "ping()"

# $? = false if running, true if not
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
        exec $browserPath -a firefox -remote openURL"($url,new-tab)"
        $browserPath $url

If you have a pre-0.9 version of firefox, you should drop the "-a".


Name that tune #20: Do you take me for a fool do you think that I don't
see that ditch out in the valley that they're digging just for me?

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