Kaj Haulrich wrote:

<replies within>

On Saturday 28 August 2004 12:21, John Richard Smith wrote:

John, the HP box came with no CDs at all. Instead, the is an icon on the desktop, labelled "create HP restore disks" or some such. Being only human, I was curious and connected to the net first in order to see if this crap really worked. Then, after about half an hour, I clicked the icon. that initiated a burn of no less than 6 CDs.

The set of installation CDs from HP that you refer to, were they
not supplied by HP with the Computer as backup/restore discs,

No. I had to burn'em myself. Self-service, y'know.

If you get stuck for an M$ XP install disc, see me off list.


Thanks, John. After some arguing back and forth HP agreed to send me fresh CD's.

Kaj Haulrich.

Things have sunk low. HP doesn't even give you their own backup disks as an emergency recovery any more.

I mean, not unnaturally the average user , ain't gonna think of creating their own image backups, the moment they first plug the PC in and boot up. So these people are totally stuffed, and totally reliant upon HP's generaosity "if they still have them". Plus the backup is presumeably to HD where it can also get infected/corrupted.

All I can say is that HP used to give you their own backup/recovery dics.

That means your daughter did you a serice is getting your computer virused up early on in the computers life , because you were then quick enough to ask for the missing discs before they don't have them any more.

I'm glad I don't buy there proprietary PC's any more.


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