On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 10:41:20AM -0500, Eric Scott wrote:
> Heya. I have a server at work running Mandrake 9.2.  I'm administering 
> it remotely through webmin/vnc/ssh and all that fun stuff.  Here's the 
> problem:
> I want to set up my /var/www/html directory with limited FTP access.  I 
> can't figure out or find howtos on the webmin module for proftpd, and 
> apparently I don't know how to work the /etc/proftp.conf file because 
> the changes I make seem to make no difference.  Can anybodye give me a 
> basic howto to set this up?  I'm not a very experienced linux user or 
> server admin, so don't get to techy on me. :-)
>        Thanx,
>          ES

You might consider not even running FTP, since you're running ssh you
might as well use secure copy (scp). You can add your user to the apache
group and assuming the group has write access to /var/www/html you can

scp filetobecopied [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/www/html

There's probably a gui out there for this (try freshmeat).

I say to use scp just because if you can use it there's no need to run
another service. But if you must run ftp, check out the sample configs
on the proftpd site http://www.proftpd.org/docs/example-conf.html. I
believe what you're looking for is the DefaultRoot directive. You may
need to set up a group that has write access to /var/www/html and set
default root to ~ (chroot/jail) for all users *except* members of your
new group. Don't hold me to it cause it's been awhile since I messed
with proftp.


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