Azrael wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Azrael wrote:

I just did my first fresh install of 10.1 (keeping my former /home), and everything is working well, except for an issue with the volume.

In xine, or mplayer, when I try to change the volume, the volume does not get quieter or louder. If I use the gnome volume panel applet, ditto, can't change the volume. Also the gnome volume control, none of the sliders seem to control the volume.

I have a sound-blaster live card, and it is using the snd-emu10k1 driver module.

Can anyone offer suggestions, advice?

many thanks

How about trying alsamixer
just type it in a terminal.

when happy with your sound levels some distros need
alsactl store,
not sure if Mandrake does.

then there is also aumix amd kmix thay may need resetting too.


Thanks for the reply John, though I am afraid it wasn't too useful for me :(

I am not concerned with the volume being too loud or too quiet. The problem is that I am unable to change the volume in mplayer or xine to a reasonable extent. I am not sure which exact 'volume meter' is being changed when I use mplayer/xine volume control, but I can't put it to 0 and have no sound. The change is very little, and only on one channel.

Yes I can use alsamixer to change every conceivable volume item. But I don't want to resign the rest of my life to having the volume set at that level.

Indeed, using alsamixer only the 'Wave Surround' item seems to do the job I want.

So I guess the question, is how do I make the mplayer/xine/anything else volume controls manipulate the 'Wave Surround' item rather than whatever other item they seem to be controlling.

The whole volume thing was not a problem in 10.0, so I don't know exactly why 10.1 is different in this respect, but I'd like to resolve it.

thanks again, and thanks to anyone else who can offer a suggestion


Well, in that case you seem to be saying that you are only getting maybe 2 channels out of 4 or more ( you have suround sound ?) in which case it's likely a sound driver configuration problem.

You need to determin the sound card and chip and whether the website that helps people install and configure sound has anything to say to achieve that.

I know that I have had a similar problem with my MD10.0 OS in that my Mobo sound chip which is a 5.1 sound channel chip doesn't work too well with my 2 channel stereo speakers because I have been unable to combine the 5 channels into 2 and as such I'm only geting a certain distorted level of harmonic output, not really noticeable with system sound sets, but very noticeable when playing a quality audio CD. I know that in the windblows OS's you can pass a command to tell the chip to combine channels.
The question really is whether the same is possible in linux, maybe ?

Maybe yours is a similar problem ?

Just a thought


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