On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 08:39:52PM +1000, Stephen Kühn wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 20:27, Thereidos wrote:
> > W li?cie z ?ro, 29-09-2004, godz. 09:07, Stephen Kühn pisze: 
... gDesklets stuff ...
> > > 
> > > Don't bother.
> > 
> > Why?
> Because it's CRAP software and doesn't work easily "out of the box" (as
> is most Gnome based software) and newbies shouldn't have to be forced to
> LEARN to do something they shouldn't be doing - and the documentation
> sucks and the support for GDesklets sucks and try to get a straight
> answer from ANYONE in a Gnome IRC channel let alone a mailing
> list...hence the reason I gave up on playing with GDesklets in the first
> place...if GKrellm doesn't do it, then frag it. I don't want it - and I
> don't want to hog precious system resources on something that doesn't do
> what I want in the first five minutes that I've installed it.
> Hence, CRAP and don't bother.
> YOU might have more patience, but I have come to rely on software that
> does what it is supposed to do without requiring a rocket science
> certificate in order to either run it or configure it.
> THAT is one of the major stumbling blocks in the Gnome project (for the
> past three years, mind you)
> Off my soapbox now...handing it over to Lyv or Joe..

I come from a long tradition of hating popular things (and low and
behold, XFce4 might be a victim of its own success), but I just d/l'd
and burned gnoppix 0.8, which runs gnome 2.8, and it is sweet. The UI is
really polished and it's super intuitive. Now I've never tried to update
all of gnome myself, and I can say I'm always terrified of installing or
updating any package that has a "g" in it (for gnome) because I know one
package can utterly muck up an entire system. Which is why I'm
considering a switch to Slack or some other distro that is a little more
up-to-date with Gnome. After all, MDK 10.1 will come with gnome 2.6,

I'm pretty sure I'll always hate KDE, but gnome's like that girl you
dated in high school and you wonder what could have been ...

I wish MDK took a little more interest in Gnome--not a complaint, mind
you, cause I'm not willing or able to do it, and most distros tend to 
emphasize one or the other. But note on the lists how many posts there
are about upgrading to KDE 3.whogivesashit compared to gnome. Stephen, I
trust your past experience with gnome, but I'm betting on not even
needing to get on IRC or join a list for gnome support. If I'm wrong,
I'll be sure to post another rant.


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