On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 09:29:45PM -0400, Adolfo Bello wrote:
> Hi all:
> Now that Evolution has dropped the Summary, I am going to need a RSS
> reader.
> I am currently using liferea but I would like to try some others before
> making a decision. Any suggestion?

This is one area that I prefer Windows (RSSBandit--still open source but
based on .NET). As far as I'm concerned there's nothing in Linux that
approaches the Windows alternatives, I used to use Liferea but find it
painful to use now. Straw is even worse. The Syndigator based on GTK1.x
was not bad--nice and fast used in conjunction with Dillo. There's also
Firefox's Live Bookmarks and/or Sage (for regular reading Sage is
better), and Opera's recent efforts include RSS capability, though I'm
not crazy about the interface.

Good luck,

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