On Monday 01 November 2004 09:40 pm, Tom & Karen Pino wrote:
> Ok, so I use windoze (although I can't see why one would us IE).  Why do
> you want to appear to use IE at all and 5 in particular?
> Tom

2 reasons
# 1 a MLS real estate web site that seems to do nothing but say that it only 
works with Internet Exployter

#2 as a further troubleshooting measure in trying to solve my DSL problems 
with my local ISP.  

I have tried everything suggested by the folks here and LOTS of other things. 
1 thing that crossed my mind is that perhaps they have a server with a virus 
that is meant to screw up service for linux machines or perhaps something 
from the evil empire installed in 1 of their servers that is meant to screw 
up linux users.  Just a WAG on my part.  What the heck I have tried 
everything else.


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